Perdagangkan GER40 - Salah Satu Instrumen Paling Populer di Dunia!

Admirals memberi Anda persyaratan trading paling kompetitif pada GER 40. Perdagangkan CFD indeks Germany 40 setiap 24 jam, tanpa komisi, dengan platform trading paling populer di dunia - MetaTrader 4 & MetaTrader 5.

Spread tipikal: 1.2 pips (10.00 - 18:30 EET)

Leverage hingga 1:500

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Apa itu GER40?

Indeks Jerman

GER40 adalah indeks pasar saham blue chip, yang mewakili 40 perusahaan terbesar dan paling likuid di Jerman yang sahamnya diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Frankfurt. Indeks GER40 melacak kinerja 30 perusahaan Jerman terbesar ini dalam hal kapitalisasi pasar dan dianggap sebagai ukuran kekuatan ekonomi Jerman.


Cari tahu harga GER40 real-time dan sentimen media global tentang pergerakan indeks di masa mendatang

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

Spesifikasi Kontrak




Margin Minimum, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Komisi, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Komisi - Biaya layanan untuk setiap transaksi, yaitu, membuka atau menutup posisi suatu instrumen. Bergantung pada jenis instrumennya, komisi mungkin ditetapkan dalam persentase nilai perdagangan, atau tarif tetap per saham.


Simbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Spread Minimum, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Spread Tipikal, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit/ Level Stop, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


Nilai SWAP (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


Nilai SWAP (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


Swap 3- hari Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Margin Minimum, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Komisi, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Komisi - Biaya layanan untuk setiap transaksi, yaitu, membuka atau menutup posisi suatu instrumen. Bergantung pada jenis instrumennya, komisi mungkin ditetapkan dalam persentase nilai perdagangan, atau tarif tetap per saham.


Simbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Spread Minimum, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Spread Tipikal, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit/ Level Stop, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


Nilai SWAP (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


Nilai SWAP (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


Swap 3- hari Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Margin Minimum, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Komisi, EUR Icon help Komisi - Biaya layanan untuk setiap transaksi, yaitu, membuka atau menutup posisi suatu instrumen. Bergantung pada jenis instrumennya, komisi mungkin ditetapkan dalam persentase nilai perdagangan, atau tarif tetap per saham.


Simbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Spread Minimum, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Spread Tipikal, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit/ Level Stop, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


Nilai SWAP (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


Nilai SWAP (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


Swap 3- hari Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Margin Minimum, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Komisi, EUR Icon help Komisi - Biaya layanan untuk setiap transaksi, yaitu, membuka atau menutup posisi suatu instrumen. Bergantung pada jenis instrumennya, komisi mungkin ditetapkan dalam persentase nilai perdagangan, atau tarif tetap per saham.


Simbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Spread Minimum, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Spread Tipikal, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit/ Level Stop, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


Nilai SWAP (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


Nilai SWAP (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


Swap 3- hari Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


Keunggulan GER40

GER 40 adalah salah satu indeks saham paling populer di dunia dan diperdagangkan oleh para profesional dari seluruh dunia. Berikut ini beberapa alasan mengapa:


GER 40 adalah instrumen yang sangat mudah berubah (volatil) yang sangat berkorelasi dengan dampak dari peristiwa besar dalam politik dan ekonomi Eropa.

Sentimen Eropa

GER 40 sering dilabeli sebagai proksi untuk sentimen Eropa, karena ia merupakan indeks utama ekonomi terbesar di Uni Eropa. Memperdagangkannya memungkinkan Anda untuk memasuki pasar Jerman.

Skala Global

Sebagian besar perusahaan dalam indeks GER 40 memiliki bisnis yang dapat dikenali secara global, oleh karena itu Anda dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari fluktuasi yang terjadi di pasar global dan domestik.


Indeks GER 40 memungkinkan Anda mendiversifikasi eksposur pasar Anda di berbagai perusahaan dan industri. Ini mungkin membawa risiko yang lebih rendah secara keseluruhan daripada perdagangan saham tunggal.

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Mengapa Trading Bersama Admirals?

Admirals adalah broker online multi-nasional pemenang banyak penghargaan. Kami menawarkan trading Forex dan CFD pada saham, indeks saham, serta komoditi.

Kami Resmi

Kami diotorisasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Seychelles.

Anda Trading Global, Kami Memberi Dukungan Lokal

Kami berbicara dalam bahasa Anda dan kami siap melayani Anda 24 jam / 5.

Risiko Pasar Lebih Rendah

Kami membantu Anda meminimalkan risiko volatilitas.

Leverage hingga 1:1000

Kami menawarkan leverage fleksibel hingga 1:1000

Spread mulai 0.8 Pips

Dapatkan spread paling kompetitif untuk semua produk kami.

Eksekusi Terbaik

Straight-Through Processing (STP), tanpa requotes.

Tanpa Batasan

Tidak ada jarak stop atau batasan gaya atau strategi trading

MetaTrader 5

Platform trading paling populer di seluruh dunia untuk semua perangkat!

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